EP#18 What on Earth?

What on earth? the woo woo verse

Stephen Hawking famously said "We are just an advanced breed of monkeys on a minor planet of a very average star. "

Join Lynette and Kirileigh as they get ‘_down to earth_’  for this very special episode where they discuss The Earth, its energy, all its Woo Woo and everything in between. 

Did you know plants talk and sing. Yep - even the neglected maidenhair fern in your office.  

What is  the climate emergency and the viral spread trying to show us energetically?

Of course, they couldn't go past a deep dive into how earth medicine works, exploring the concept that when we heal the earth, we are in turn actually healing ourselves?

Which would make the opposite true as well if you think about it. EEEEK!

And on that and because they love to chat out the big concepts, they also ponder why on earth and how it can be, that we,  the most intelligent creatures to walk the earth are destroying our own home.  And why above al,  it is important to learn to respect yo' mother? 


Come follow us over on the gram @woowooverse

Mr Danilo