EP#30 Anger Issues

The Woo Woo 'Verse Anger Issues

Ok, we have issues. And things are pushing our buttons, grinding our gears and our chakras are all a little up tight. 

… but apparently it's not just us, the whole world is getting angrier.

Join Kiki and Lynette as they play a game of "Anger Bingo" to help deconstruct the range of energies in the anger spectrum and as they venture into looking at how we got here & what the heck is going on now. Why are we all so angry?

Follow along as they debrief on the current state of affairs and work through some of the personal and collective anger issues that seem to be dominating our airwaves. 

And before you get all hot under the collar, they also discuss how we could contribute to the cooling of the flames & dip into some funny moments as they venture off road during the conversations (as they sometimes do.)

... listen out also for the special surprise guests that pop in and offer their suggestion as well.

Is anger ever justifiable?

Can anger be positive?

Even if you don’t have an anger issue, this is still a great episode on determining how to handle your overall emotions and feelings in a manner that is helpful to you and other people.

A massive thunderstorm happened at the time of recording and then again in the edit - and then even as this episode was going live, followed by an earthquake registering 7 … we’re beginning to think there is some deep cleansing and realignment required people. 

OK no more waffle - let's just get to it. 

Press play..... before we all lose it. 

What the World Needs Now Recommendations:

Mr Danilo