EP#8 Can't Stop The Feelings

Cant stop the feelings The Woo Woo 'Verse

How are you?

No really....... How are you?

Feelings are apparently visitors.

As a rule of thumb, there are seven basic emotions: Joy, Surprise, Fear, Disgust, Anger, Contempt and Sadness.

And yep, "If only it was that simple", we hear your cry!


This week we stop, breathe and pause to do a "Feelings Check". Because we can.

And, because it’s almost always a good idea to slow things down and get clear.

Join Lynette and Kirileigh as they unpack how to cope when the BIG emotions rise.

Could it be that sorrow is just as valuable of an awakener as Joy?

Is there a logical and helpful way to process the emotional energy?

Listen in as they discuss why these potent heartfelt energies in motion (e-motions), act like the oil that keeps all the mental and physical pistons and pumps within us, evolving.

Art inspired by @truemoonlove #truemoonlove #Emotions #energyinmotion #evolution #transformation #love #fear #surprise #fear #disgust #anger #contempt

Mr DaniloSpiritual realms